2024 Fall Soccer registration is closed!!
Registration for Fall Soccer was open from July 1 – July 24, with a late registration period available from July 25 – 31 (subject to a late fee and waitlist). We’re looking forward to a great season!
Program Overview:
The Fall Soccer Program schedule for all divisions will begin after Labor Day 2024 and run through the mid-November. Teams will be organized in late August, and coaches will notify players of their team assignments and of the schedule.
Our program is divided into the following grade/age categories dependent on registration levels (all teams are co-ed):
- Pee Wee (Pre-K) – a clinic to teach first time players soccer basics
- Junior Kickers: (Kindergarten and 1st graders) – with 20 minute practices before weekly Saturday games
- Kickers: (2nd and 3rd graders) – with weekly practices and small sided 7v7 Saturday games
- Intermediate: (4th and 5th graders) – with weekly practices and full games (up to 11v11 based on registration numbers)
- Senior: (6th, 7th and 8th graders) – with weekly practices and full games (up to 11v11 based on registration numbers)
Other Logistical Details:
- Soccer referees: We’d love to have you back! Have Mom and/or Dad email us or reach out to us direct (soccer email). New referees are welcome too!
- As always, we love to have and need volunteer coaches. Please assist us and making our program as awesome as always!
- The Fall Soccer season will be played mostly within our own league grouping with some out of town play possible (its in the works).
- Schedules and team sizes will be determined by registration numbers.
- No coach or teammate requests, please! Our #1 goal is to balance teams so as to keep the league fun and competitive, and in the past requests have led to stacked teams which we’re actively trying to avoid.
- Teams will be organized by the end of August and coaches will notify players of team and of practice/game schedule.
- The season will start after Labor Day, with the first games scheduled to be played Saturday, 9/7.
- All games are on Saturday mornings at Finn Road Park, usually between 8 am and noon.
- Practices are weeknights, scheduled based on volunteer coach availability. The Pre-K and K-1 group do not practice.
Have questions? Please email Soccer Commissioner Syed Jarfi at uniontwprecsoccer@gmail.com.