UTREC’s second annual COLOR RUN! will be held on Sunday, 9/29 at 1pm at Finn Park. Register today!
Event Overview: This 1 mile COLOR RUN! is open to all ages and will be fun for the whole family. Included in your $20 registration will be a white UTREC t-shirt to wear and a colored bandana. Please bring your own sunglasses or goggles, if you’d like.
Not interested in running? Volunteer! We will need people to throw color at the five different color stations set up throughout the mile course.
After the run, in all our vibrant and colorful glory, we’ll gather for a group color throw and picture.
How do I register?
From August 1 – August 31, go to: https://register.communitypass.net/reg/index.cfm
Type in “Union Township Hampton NJ, NJ” for organization and select it from the drop down, make an account if needed, and then sign up as warranted. Once logged in/account made, look for the orange “register now” button. Click it and the current seasons open for registration will appear in a new box. Select and go from there.
Wondering… what is a Color Run? Check out these highlights from last’s years event to see for yourself! If you have any other questions at all, please reach out to Color Run lead & UTREC Chairman Eric Meisner at UnionTwpRecChair@gmail.com.