- Registration is open now through 4/12 for our UTREC Volleyball, Yoga in the Park and Tennis programs. Sign up today!
- Registration is also open for our summer Jr Lions Fencing Summer Camp and Speed & Agility programs through 6/1! Click the links above for more information, and to register today!
- Join UTREC as we “take you out to the ballgame” and visit the Somerset Patriots for a group outing on Sunday, May 18th at 1:05pm. Tickets are $10, and all kids in attendance are invited to run the based like a pro after the game. Click here for more information, and to get your tickets today!
- Adult and Youth Basketball are wrapping up, with our kids getting ready for the NHBL Playoffs, and our adults gearing up for two in-house “March Madness” tournaments we’ll be running! Thank you all for the wonderful season!
- Field Hockey Dissolution Announcement: After 15+ years of partnership, Union Township Recreation was informed last week that the Jr Lions Field Hockey program would like to branch out as an independent non-profit organization. Thank you to the Jr Lions Field Hockey leads over the years for their service and dedication to the children, and we wish the program success and growth in their future endeavors.
- Our educational Nature Series presented in partnership with Hunterdon County Parks are back for 2025 with six exciting sessions, with registrations opening monthly on a rolling basis. Keep an eye out for more information and confirmed program dates soon!
- Help Wanted! UTREC is an entirely volunteer run organization. We have specific openings leading our Tennis and Golf programs, as well as on our committee. If you’re interested in getting involved, please email us at UnionTwpRecChair@gmail.com.
The next UTREC Committee meeting is April 9, 2025 at 7:30 pm EST at the Union Township Municipal Building. Want to visit/sit in? Please do. Email UnionTwpRecChair@gmail.com for details!
Have business with us? Please send an email with your name, email, and residency (Union Twp., etc.) and any business or inquiry information to: UnionTwpRecChair@gmail.com. You will be sent a confirmation and added to agenda.
Interested in join our Recreation Committee? Email our UTREC Chairman at UnionTwpRecChair@gmail.com.
Specific questions should be relayed to:
- UTREC Chairman: uniontwprecchair@gmail.com
- Soccer: uniontwprecsoccer@gmail.com
- Baseball: utrecbaseball@gmail.com
- Tennis: utrectennis@gmail.com
- Volleyball: utrecvolleyball@gmail.com
- Basketball: utrecbasketball@gmail.com
- Golf: utrecgolf2022@gmail.com
- Jr Lions Fencing: juniorlionsfencing@gmail.com
- Martial Arts: utrecmartialarts@gmail.com
To sign up, please utilize our registration portal at: https://register.communitypass.net and search then select “Union Township, Hampton NJ NJ” from the drop down menu.
FIND US ON FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/utrecreation/